How to Make Asphalt Paving a Proactive Strategy

Most people do not enjoy having their cars break down when they are hundreds of miles from home or discovering multiple roof leaks during the middle of the heaviest, longest storm of the season. These situations force them to react to the situation and take immediate steps to remedy the problem, robbing them of the ability to work the expenses into their budgets and schedule the repairs at their convenience. If you are not proactive about your asphalt pavement, you could find yourself in a similar situation.

How to Make Asphalt Paving a Proactive Strategy

What Are the Benefits of a Proactive Strategy for Asphalt Paving?

Experienced asphalt contractors know that their customers will realize significant savings in the future by investing in proactive maintenance today. You could recoup as much as $10 down the line for every $1 you spend on professional routine maintenance. You may also be able to avoid having to accelerate the depreciation on a capital asset or scramble to secure the funds to replace it. Furthermore, you will be able to schedule the work when it will be the most convenient for your customers, employees or tenants.

What Is a Proactive Strategy for Asphalt Pavement?

At its basic level, a proactive strategy means that you maintain your awareness of the condition of your pavement and handle the little things before they can turn into major problems.

1. Every spring, walk through your parking lot and make detailed notes of the pavement’s condition. If you prefer, you can ask a trusted asphalt contractor or knowledgeable employee to conduct the inspection. Look for potholes, cracks, depressions, drainage problems, tire ruts and other signs of pavement distress. Pay particular attention to the pavement around dumpsters and in loading zones and traffic lanes. You should also note the color of the pavement and the condition of your stripes, markings, and signs.
2. Identify the issues to correct first. Prioritize the repair of any potholes or large cracks to prevent water from entering and destabilizing the foundation. You should also prioritize repairs to the areas receiving the most traffic or where vehicles frequently brake and accelerate. These areas include traffic lanes, exits, and entrances, pavement bordering crosswalks, turn lanes, loading zones, and the pavement near stops signs.
3. Plan to have your contractor apply fresh sealcoating every two or three years. Sealants enhance the appearance of asphalt paving, but they are also a critical part of prolonging the life of your pavement. You should also budget for parking lot striping and fresh pavement markings after sealcoating.
4. Even with excellent routine maintenance, your pavement will probably need a significant rejuvenation every 10 to 15 years. If the foundation is stable, your pavement may be a good candidate for an asphalt overlay. An overlay installation or asphalt resurfacing costs considerably less than a complete reconstruction, but it can give you virtually the same life, appearance, and performance as a new pavement.

Alpha Paving is a full-service Austin paving company with impeccable credentials and an exemplary reputation. Our services include asphalt resurfacing, road construction, parking lot maintenance, asphalt paving, asphalt repairs, street maintenanceasphalt sealcoatingthermoplastic pavement markings, parking lot car stops, speed bumps, parking lot striping, and concrete work. Our clients include cities and counties, airports, subdivisions, retailers, churches and religious institutions, health care facilities, hotels, educational institutions, apartment complexes, office parks, and industrial facilities. If you need superior craftsmanship and extraordinary customer service at competitive prices, contact us for a free quote by calling 512-677-9001 or completing the online form.

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