Commercial Asphalt Paving Contractor – Tips For Hiring

Commercial Asphalt Paving Contractor - Tips For Hiring, austin paving company

When you are responsible for a commercial property, you know that your paved areas need to be safe, attractive and properly maintained. You also know that you need to obtain the best return on your investment in pavement. An exceptionally low bid may be tempting, but it may not provide you with the best value if the work is inferior. To ensure that you spend your money wisely, you need to find an asphalt contractor who is qualified to handle commercial projects. The following advice can help you feel confident that you have chosen the right paving company.

Commercial Asphalt Paving Contractor – Tips For Hiring

Ask The Right Questions

You will probably want to interview representatives from several asphalt companies before making your decision. Ask each representative the following questions. If you do not feel that you are being given honest answers or the representative appears to be evasive, you might want to consider crossing that company off your list.

• What types of commercial projects have you handled? There is a world of difference between building a suburban driveway and constructing a commercial parking lot. There is also a difference between building a parking lot for 20 cars and building one for 20,000 cars. You want to choose someone who has successfully handled projects of a similar scope and type.
• If I choose your company, will you provide me with proof of your insurance? At the very least, you need to confirm that the company has general liability insurance of at least $500,000, vehicle liability insurance and a workers’ comp policy covering every employee who will be working on your property.
• Will you provide me with relevant, recent references? Once you have a list of references, contact them to determine their satisfaction with the company’s workmanship, professionalism and customer service. Try to visit a few sites to see for yourself the quality of the work.
• How do you maintain your equipment? Poorly maintained equipment can break down in the middle of your job, resulting in delays and potentially affecting the quality of the work.
• How will you manage my project? The best paving companies offer dedicated project managers who are responsible for keeping the work progressing on schedule. The project manager may also be the best person to contact with any questions you might have regarding the work.
• Can you handle all aspects of my project? Some asphalt contractors can install new pavement, perform pavement striping, apply asphalt sealcoating, build your curb ramps, handle repairs and perform many other tasks. Choosing a company that can handle all of your tasks can save you time and money.
• Do you offer a warranty on your work? Reputable asphalt paving contractors stand behind their work and will offer some type of warranty that is in addition to any warranties issued by the manufacturers of the products used for your project.
• Will you put everything in writing? At the very least, you should receive written, detailed confirmation of the company’s warranty, a quote specifying the types and quantities of materials to be used, a timeline covering the entire project, a schedule of the costs involved, information about payment terms and a list detailing your responsibilities.

If you are looking for a reliable, experienced paving contractor in Austin, Tx, Alpha Paving would appreciate your consideration. We are an award-winning company with impeccable references and an outstanding reputation. We have worked for many high-profile commercial clients, including some of the nation’s largest retail chains. We have also delivered quality work to numerous manufacturing facilities, HOAs, municipalities, airports, hotels, hospitals, universities, office parks, apartment complexes and restaurants. If you would like to request a free estimate, you can either submit the online form or call (512) 677-9001.

Alpha Paving Industries is the Premier Austin Paving Company Serving Central Texas!

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