Do Construction Crews Pave in the Rain?

Do construction crews pave in the rain? austin sealcoating txEven in sunny weather, paving construction can create traffic problems and be inconvenient. However, the safety of a properly paved road, parking lot, or another area makes new paving and asphalt maintenance necessary. Unfortunately, weather can be uncooperative when asphalt and sealcoating need to be applied or maintained. It is common for people to inquire whether construction crews should pave areas in the rain.

Do construction crews pave in the rain?

Severity of the Rain

Construction crews can safely work in a mild, occasional sprinkle because it is unlikely to cause the surface to get puddles or damage the composite mixture. Furthermore, although an occasional spritz may delay curing time for a short duration, it is not likely to damage the asphalt.

Construction Crew Safety

Asphalt construction crews work on parking lots, roadways, and other areas where there may be nearby traffic. A heavy downpour can obstruct the visibility of the construction workers and make it difficult to apply the asphalt or sealcoat competently. Furthermore, rain can make it difficult for drivers to see the construction crew. An unexpected storm creates dangers because the crew may not be wearing rain gear or reflectors.

Ability to Complete Satisfactory Paving Job

No one wants a construction crew to complete paving during a downpour because there is a high probability that the job will be unsatisfactory. Problems can occur during every stage of the process; rain can damage the mixture; the surface can become too waterlogged, and the mixture may not adhere to the surface efficiently. Thus, the work can become ineffective and time-consuming.

The licensed, reputable contractors at Alpha Paving Industries, serving clients in the Austin area, are knowledgeable about the perils of performing paving jobs in the rain. As an award-winning business, Alpha Paving knows that customers trust them to apply paving in a safe, competent manner while creating a surface that improves each client’s exterior grounds. Therefore, Alpha Paving does not perform paving jobs when it rains. Our customer service department and contractors will gladly reschedule paving jobs around our clients’ convenience. If you need asphalt paving, asphalt maintenance, or sealcoating, please contact our staff at 512-677-9001. Our website also has an online form, so customers can conveniently request a quote.

Learn more about our asphalt paving services.

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