Critical Questions About Municipality Paving in Central Texas

Critical Questions About Municipality Paving in Central Texas, alpha pavingThere are many agencies involved in the planning and construction of highways to link American cities together. However, no matter how much attention a state or federal agency pays to a network of roadways, without city streets, people would have little or no access to shopping, jobs, and educational opportunities. Every municipal paving project is important, and every project must utilize available funding in the wisest manner possible. When choosing an asphalt paving contractor for your municipal project, there are a few critical areas that you need to explore.

How Much Experience Does the Asphalt Contractor Have With Projects of a Similar Scope?

You want to hire a contractor with experience, but you need to make sure that he has relevant experience. One contractor may have decades of experience performing parking lot line striping, for example. Still, he may not be the ideal candidate if your project is to widen a three-mile stretch on your town’s busiest thoroughfare. Another contractor may have extensive experience in asphalt sealing, but is he the right choice if you need asphalt resurfacing on a two-acre parking lot? Municipal projects often require completing the work in phases, and this will require a contractor with experience in planning, scheduling, and executing large-scale projects. He will need to understand every step, including the best methods of controlling traffic, the timing of asphalt deliveries, and the scheduling of his equipment and crews.

How Well Does the Asphalt Contractor Understand His Materials?

The materials chosen for your project are of critical importance. The wrong type of asphalt, for example, could result in premature failure of your new pavement. Your contractor should be able to explain the asphalt manufacturing process, describe the pros and cons of each different type of asphalt available, and justify his recommendations for your project. Furthermore, he should be able to communicate all of this information clearly and not use confusing or ambiguous industry jargon.

Does the Paving Contractor Possess Proper Insurance and Licenses?

No reputable contractor will go without workers’ comp, general liability, and vehicle liability insurance. The company will possess a valid business license, and some municipalities require paving contractors to register with them or obtain a local permit.

Does the Asphalt Contractor Own or Rent His Equipment?

Roadway and parking lot paving companies that own their equipment have more control over the scheduling of their machines. They and their operators will have a better understanding of the capabilities of the machines, and the contractors will protect their equipment investments through proper maintenance. Rented equipment may be unfamiliar, and it may not receive adequate maintenance to prevent breakdowns that could delay your project.

How Detailed Is the Paving Contractor’s Quote?

The contractor should provide a written quote that details the types and quantities of every material he will use. The quote should also include the methods he will employ and a proposed schedule for each phase of the project. If the contractor offers any warranty on his workmanship, he should include that information with his quote.

Does the Asphalt Contractor Offer Preventive Maintenance Services?

Preventive maintenance will be an essential contributor to your pavement’s longevity. It is always nice to have a single source you can turn to for maintenance and repair down the road. Furthermore, some contractors offer selected services at a reduced rate if they handle the initial paving.

Why Should You Ask Alpha Paving for a Quote?

We are a highly esteemed Austin paving company offering a full range of asphalt and concrete services throughout Central Texas. Our clients include many municipalities and counties, airports, schools, religious institutions, health care facilities, property management firms, hotels, office parks, apartment complexes, shopping centers, and subdivisions, and HOAs. We offer asphalt sealing, street maintenance, asphalt resurfacing, parking lot striping, and pavement markings, asphalt paving, concrete and asphalt repairs, road construction, thermoplastic markings, and the installation of traffic signs, car stops, and speed bumps. Our crews are well-trained and experienced, and our team members share a commitment to safety, quality, and customer service. To request a free quote on your municipal project, call 512-677-9001, or use our online form to send us your information.

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