Oil Stains on Asphalt?

Oil Stains on Asphalt? asphalt sealcoating austin txWhen it comes to oil stains and asphalt, preventing stains through the use of sealants is the better option. However, assuming that it is a case of locking the barn after the horse has escaped, the following “dos and don’ts” should be helpful.

• Don’t use a harsh cleanser that contains solvents. Even if the product label states that it is formulated for cleaning driveways, if it contains a solvent, it will damage your asphalt. Some asphalt contractors sell cleaners to the public, but there are also cleaners that not available to the average property owner. If you cannot locate a cleaner made specifically for asphalt, choose a biodegradable cleaner such as Simple Green or use dishwashing detergent. Add the cleanser to water to make a soapy liquid, apply it to the stain and leave it for a few minutes before you begin scrubbing.
• Do be prepared to use a lot of “elbow grease” to remove the stain. Use a sturdy scrub brush and attack the stain. If the brush dislodges any gravel or pieces of asphalt, stop immediately. This means that your asphalt has already been damaged, and you should call an asphalt professional for help.
• Don’t try to cover up an oil stain by applying sealant over it. The chemicals in the stain will contain to eat away at the asphalt, and they will also eat the sealant.
• Do rinse the area thoroughly after you have finished scrubbing. This is especially important if you plan to apply a sealant. Soap film can prevent the sealant from bonding properly.
• Don’t forget to check the area before applying a sealant. It is possible that the oil had time to damage the asphalt before you removed it. If it did, you will most likely need to replace the area before sealing. Otherwise, you could have a lovely sealcoated pothole or crack in near-record time.
• Do treat stains as soon as possible. The longer they remain, the greater the chances are that the asphalt will suffer damages.

Alpha Paving Industries is a leading asphalt contractor serving Austin clients as well as customers throughout the Texas Hill Country. From installing new asphalt, parking lot striping, and installing concrete–we are the experts!  Give us a call at 512-677-9001, or ask for a free quote.

If you need asphalt in the Austin, Texas area—remember Alpha Paving Industries!

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