What Could Be Damaging Your Asphalt?

What Could Be Damaging Your Asphalt? paving austin texas Under ideal conditions, you can expect your asphalt pavement to last 20 years or more, but periodic maintenance is vital in achieving this longevity. The asphalt in your pavement makes up a small percentage of the total material. Asphalt acts as the binder for the aggregates used to make asphalt cement. Exposure to oxygen causes the asphalt to oxidize and lose its binding properties. This aging of the asphalt is what produces or exacerbates most of the damage you will see over time. For maximum longevity of your asphalt pavement. These maintenance procedures and timely asphalt repairs will help protect the integrity of your asphalt surface.

What Could Be Damaging Your Asphalt?

How Does Sealcoating Help Protect Asphalt Pavement?

The most crucial preventive parking lot maintenance procedure is to maintain the sealcoating that protects and revitalizes the asphalt pavement surface. The first application of seal coat should occur when the asphalt pavement is fully cured, which should be with 12 months of construction. Since seal coat is not permanent, you should have your contractor apply fresh sealant periodically. Your contractor can advise the correct schedule for the use your pavement receives.

If your asphalt pavement has turned a gray color, you are overdue for a new application of sealcoating. Sealcoating will give the pavement a fresh, new appearance with a smooth, clean, black surface. Asphalt sealing is quite economical, but it protects the asphalt surface from damaging UV rays that accelerate the effects of oxidation. Sealants also help protect against damage from automotive fluids, hot tires and water infiltration.

Why Are Minor Asphalt Repairs Important?

With a robust preventive maintenance program in place, you can substantially minimize significant repairs. A properly designed and constructed asphalt pavement structure should remain in good condition for many years. Periodic visual inspections should be scheduled as often as possible to catch the first sign of a problem. Minor repairs can quickly become major repairs, so you should not delay asphalt crack repair if you spot a crack that is more than about a quarter of an inch in width or depth.

It is vital that water drains off the pavement quickly. Water left on the pavement’s surface will eventually infiltrate down into the foundation and cause damage. Open cracks are the primary pathway for water, but clogged grates over catch basins or drains can also force water where it does not belong.

Does Cleanliness Help Protect Asphalt Pavement?

You should remove vegetation, trash, and other debris promptly. Debris can trap moisture and adversely affect the integrity of the asphalt as it decomposes. Gravel, sand, and rocks should also be quickly removed from the asphalt as these can have an abrasive effect on the sealcoating.

Vehicle fluids are another problem for asphalt pavements. Most automotive fluids are petroleum-based products, and they will break down the structure of the asphalt binder in the pavement. The pavement becomes soft and more vulnerable to damage.

For the Street and Parking Lot Maintenance Austin TX Property Owners Trust

Alpha Paving is an Austin based asphalt company, provides asphalt crack repair, asphalt striping and pavement markings, asphalt sealing, asphalt overlays, asphalt paving, street maintenance, asphalt milling, road constructionthermoplastic markings, parking lot signs and many additional services. Our clients include airports, municipalities, educational facilities, shopping centers, hotels, health care facilities, religious institutions, subdivisions, restaurants, homeowner associations, apartment complexes, and office parks. Our workmanship is exceptional, our prices are reasonable, and our reputation is exemplary. We offer free job quotes, so request yours by calling 512-677-9001 or completing our online form.

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