Property Managers & Asphalt Paving

Property Managers & Asphalt Paving, asphalt sealcoating austinProperty Managers & Asphalt Paving; whether you manage a shopping mall, an apartment complex, an office building or any other type of commercial or residential property with an expanse of pavement, you probably have a budget that details precisely how much you can spend. When budgets are tight, property managers are often forced to prioritize expenses and delay certain ones until the next budget year. Unfortunately, some property managers move asphalt repairs and maintenance to the bottom of the list of priorities. This can be a costly mistake.

Property Managers & Asphalt Paving

Asphalt pavement that is properly installed and receives sufficient maintenance will have a much longer useful life than pavement that is ignored. For example, a parking lot normally has a life of 15 to 20 years if repairs are made on a timely basis and the sealcoating is maintained. If neglected, the same parking lot could have its life reduced by 50 percent or more.

What Asphalt Pavements Need Varies

No two pavements receive identical volumes or types of traffic. For example, one parking lot may see only 100 cars per day, but another may support 1,000 cars. Typically, the parking lot bearing the higher volume of traffic will need to have sealcoating reapplied more frequently and suffer from a greater number of cracks. A reputable contractor can help you establish a schedule for routine maintenance that lets you budget appropriately.

It Need Not Be All or Nothing

Your tenants and customers lead busy lives, and property managers are often reluctant to schedule pavement work due to the potential for disruption. However, if you have a large area of pavement, virtually all asphalt contractors will work with you to minimize the disruption. It might be possible to close only one section of a parking lot, for example, and complete all the work before closing the next section. This can also be a possibility if you need existing pavement replaced. Your contractor might be able to replace the pavement in the most damaged areas first, delaying replacements on the areas that are still relatively intact.

Why Call Alpha Paving

Alpha Paving Industries is one of the leading asphalt contractors in Central Texas. We have over three decades of industry experience, an outstanding reputation and a commitment to provide superior work at competitive rates. We can help you create a preventive maintenance schedule for your asphalt pavement that will maximize your return on your pavement investment. Whether you need new pavement installed, asphalt repairs, sealcoating, parking lot striping or any other asphalt service, you can count on the professionals at Alpha Paving. We would be happy to provide you with a free, no-obligation estimate; simply submit the online form or call us at (512) 677-9001.

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