Are Speed Bumps Necessary for Asphalt Parking Lots?

As every asphalt paving company knows, devices to control the speed of vehicles have become commonplace in asphalt parking lots throughout Central Texas. Although speed bumps and speed humps are not identical, most people refer to both types of speed breakers as speed bumps. Because these fixtures have become so pervasive, you may be wondering whether they are vital. They are not necessary for prolonging the life of your pavement or making your parking lot more aesthetically pleasing, but they are important if you want to improve the safety of everyone who walks, bikes or drives across your parking lot.

What Is the Difference Between Speed Bumps and Speed Humps?

Unless you work for a company that constructs asphalt pavements or offers paving maintenance services, you may be unaware that there are several differences between speed bumps and speed humps. Speed bumps are usually narrower and longer than speed humps. Of the two devices, speed bumps are more aggressive, so they are more suitable for parking lots than high-speed thoroughfares. Speed bumps can impede the flow of traffic more than speed humps, so speed humps are preferable if potential traffic jams are an issue. Because speed bumps are an aggressive method of controlling the speed of traffic, they are usually installed in locations with posted speed limits of 15 mph or less.

How Can Speed Bumps Improve Parking Lot Safety?

Many parking lot features contribute to safety. For example, parking lot line striping shows drivers where and how to park. Pavement markings provide information about the correct flow of traffic, identify crosswalks, and denote areas in which drivers should not park. Traffic signs help prevent collisions at points where two lanes of travel intersect. However, if drivers speed through your parking lot, all of your other efforts may be in vain.

People make mistakes. Unfortunately, a minor lapse can have severe consequences if a vehicle is speeding. A pedestrian may not notice that a vehicle is approaching before he or she steps into a crosswalk. If there is an SUV parked on either side, the driver of a compact car may have trouble seeing whether the coast is clear to back out of the space. Whatever the cause of the collision, the severity of any damages and injuries will increase as speed increases.

asphalt speedbumps

Other Than Safety, Are There Reasons for Installing Speed Bumps in Parking Lots?

If enhancing the safety of your customers, employees, or tenants is not sufficient motivation; you might want to consider the possibility that you could suffer financially. People have filed successful lawsuits for injuries sustained in parking lots. Tenants may not wish to renew their leases if they feel that your parking lot is unsafe. Customers whose cars have been damaged in your parking lot by a speeding vehicle may choose to patronize your competitor. In short, keeping your parking lot as safe as possible can help protect you as well as everyone else.

Get the Help You Need From a Respected Asphalt Paving Company

Alpha Paving offers a complete line of asphalt and concrete services, including asphalt crack sealing and speed bump installations. We also offer asphalt resurfacingseal coating, parking lot signs, and thermoplastic pavement markings. We have excellent references and a reputation for delivering high-quality work. We frequently provide our services to municipalities, retailers, apartment complexes, health care facilities, educational institutions, restaurants, religious institutions, airports, office parks, and subdivisions. For a free quote, contact us by phone at 512-677-9001 or complete the online form.

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