Austin, Your Asphalt Maintenance Summer Checklist Is Here!

Austin, Your Asphalt Maintenance Summer Checklist Is Here!Proper maintenance is vital if you want your asphalt pavement to last, look its best, and provide a safe environment for your guests and employees. Although maintenance is a year-round process, there are certain tasks that asphalt companies in Texas recommend that you complete during the summer months. The first step is to thoroughly inspect your pavement so that you can answer the following questions.

Austin, Your Asphalt Maintenance Summer Checklist Is Here!

What Color Is Your Asphalt Pavement?

 When new, the color of asphalt pavement is dark black. If your pavement is dingy brown or gray, this is a sure sign of fading. Exposure to the sun’s rays is the primary culprit, but the sun also dries the binder that holds your pavement together, making it more susceptible to damage. Fortunately, there is an economical method of restoring the color to faded asphalt while simultaneously preventing sun damage. It is known as sealcoating, and it is a highly effective way to protect your asphalt pavement from a variety of potentially damaging influences.

Are There Breaks in the Surface of Your Asphalt Pavement?

 Cracks and potholes can lead to costly repairs if they are left open to the elements. Water will be able to penetrate through all layers of the pavement and damage the foundation. Repairing a damaged foundation can be a costly proposition, so it is essential to have a reputable Austin paving contractor mend all potholes and significant cracks promptly.

Are There Oil Stains on Your Asphalt Pavement?

 Oil and other petrochemicals can chew through your sealcoating and soften your asphalt pavement. When cars drive over the soft areas, their tires can remove chunks of your pavement. You should remove leaked automotive fluids from your pavement to prevent damage that could be expensive to repair.

Are Your Pavement Markings and Stripes Faded or Damaged?

 Visible markings are extremely important for maintaining order and enhancing safety. Once painted markings have lost more than 25% of their original visibility, you should ask your contractor to repaint them. This includes your painted curbs, crosswalks, parking stalls, ADA markings, car stops, traffic arrows, and centerlines.

Are There Loose Rocks on the Surface of Your Asphalt Pavement?

 Loose rocks and gravel usually indicate raveling, a damage pattern that indicates pavement deterioration. As raveling progresses, the deterioration can make the pavement less safe, resulting in foundation damage. Call a reliable asphalt paving company to make a repair. If the raveling is limited to a small area, a full-depth patch may be possible. However, widespread raveling may require an asphalt overlay. Remember that an overlay may not be cost-effective if the foundation has suffered severe damage over a wide area.

Does Water Collect in Low Spots After a Rain?

 Pools of water increase the potential for water penetration, make your pavement less safe, and provide breeding grounds for mosquitoes. There are several possible causes of low spots, including an eroded foundation. However, the reason may also be a problem with the slope of your pavement or a drainage issue. Ask a reputable Austin paving company to determine the cause and make the necessary correction.

Let Alpha Help

 Alpha Paving is a full-service Austin paving company based in Round Rock, Texas. We offer an extensive selection of asphalt and concrete services, including road construction, asphalt overlays, concrete repair, asphalt sealcoating, concrete installation, parking lot striping, asphalt milling, speed bump, and car stop installation, parking lot signs, and thermoplastic pavement markings. Our dedicated, professional, experienced employees have helped make us one of the most respected asphalt companies in Texas. We serve clients in virtually every industry, including the retail, hospitality, health care, educational, transportation, and recreational industries. If you will call 512-677-9001 or submit the online form, we would be happy to provide you with a free pavement evaluation and quote.

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