Why Asphalt Maintenance Is a Year-Round Process

Why Asphalt Maintenance Is a Year-Round Process, asphalt contractor austin

Why Asphalt Maintenance Is a Year-Round Process, asphalt contractor austin Asphalt pavement has a great deal of aesthetic appeal, is economical to install, and can deliver many years of service if you maintain it properly. Without the necessary maintenance, however, the supporting foundation can fail. The asphalt itself can break, ravel, or crumble due to the deterioration of the binder from chemical and environmental exposure. Fortunately, asphalt maintenance procedures are typically quite economical, and your contractor can often complete the process and reopen the area no later than the next day. Although many people postpone asphalt maintenance until the summer months, you can take steps to protect your pavement during all four seasons.

Why Asphalt Maintenance Is a Year-Round Process

What Asphalt Maintenance Procedures Should I Schedule for the Spring?

It is not unusual for an asphalt pavement to suffer over the winter. Even in Central Texas, the ground may freeze and thaw several times during the winter months, resulting in cracks, potholes, or depressions from the cycle of upheaval and subsidence. If an ice storm or freezing rain strikes your area, you may inadvertently inflict damage on your pavement or its sealcoating by using a corrosive agent to melt the ice. Before additional damage occurs, contact a reputable asphalt paving company to conduct a thorough inspection of your pavement. The weather conditions at the time you call your contractor can impact the exact procedures he can perform. The most critical part of springtime maintenance is to ensure that water cannot enter through cracks, potholes, or other pavement breaks. If the weather is too wet or too cold for a permanent repair, you may want to consider a temporary repair to prevent damage to the foundation or stop a crack from turning into a pothole. Spring is also a great time to remove piles of leaves, leaked automotive fluids, residue from deicing agents, and trash. Depending on the weather, spring can be an excellent time to schedule your parking lot sealcoat and striping.

What Asphalt Maintenance Procedures Should I Schedule for the Summer?

The more extended workdays and warmer temperatures allow asphalt companies to handle virtually any maintenance or repair procedure you might need. This is the best season for parking lot resurfacing, extensive patching, and permanent crack repairs. It is also ideal for asphalt striping and pavement marking, sealcoating, and street maintenance.

What Asphalt Maintenance Procedures Should I Schedule for the Fall?

Before the middle of autumn, you should ask your contractor to conduct another inspection of your pavement. Your goal is to winterize your pavement by catching up on any maintenance tasks you deferred. You want to make sure that your asphalt is in good condition before cold weather makes it impossible for your contractor to apply a sealant. You also want to make sure that you repair any pavement breaks.

What Asphalt Maintenance Procedures Should I Schedule for the Winter?

When temperatures fall, your contractor will be unable to help with many of your routine maintenance needs. However, it would be best if you kept a close eye on your pavement’s condition. Do not assume that your contractor will not be able to handle an emergency repair or even a sealcoating job. In Central Texas, there can be an occasional day or two when your contractor could touch up your sealcoating or repair a pothole or crack. Even if he cannot provide a permanent repair, he may be able to make a temporary fix to prevent additional damage. When in doubt, ask your contractor.

Does Alpha Paving Offer Asphalt Maintenance Services?

Alpha Paving is one of the leading asphalt companies in Central Texas. We offer a full range of asphalt services, including crack filling and sealing, street and parking lot resurfacing, sealcoating, milling, pothole repair, parking lot striping and marking, speed bump, traffic sign installation, and thermoplastic markings. We also repair and install concrete. We frequently provide our services to airports, municipalities, retailers, restaurants, apartment complexes, office parks, HOAs, healthcare facilities, property management firms, subdivisions, industrial facilities, churches, and educational facilities. Our rates are competitive, our reputation is impeccable, and our customer service is exemplary. For a free quote, submit the online form or contact our office in Round Rock at 512-677-9001.

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