Why Bollards Are a Fail-Safe Barrier for Asphalt Parking Lots

Why Bollards Are a Fail-Safe Barrier for Asphalt Parking Lots

Why Bollards Are a Fail-Safe Barrier for Asphalt Parking LotsPeople have been using bollards of various types for many centuries for a multitude of purposes. In the Roman Empire, carved stone bollards placed beside roads served as milestones, while stone bollards near buildings in towns, cities, and villages served as hitching posts. During the 1600s, it became increasingly common to install old cannon barrels to protect stonework, direct traffic, or provide mooring for ships. During the early 1800s, property owners in Amsterdam began installing bollards to protect their businesses and homes from carriages that traveled the city’s narrow streets with no curbstones. Today, businesses and government agencies make frequent use of bollards in their parking lots to protect their buildings from accidental or intentional vehicle damage. Modern bollards are available in various styles, so you will want to consult a reputable asphalt contractor to select the bollards suitable for your purposes.

Why Bollards Are a Fail-Safe Barrier for Asphalt Parking Lots

What Are Bollards?

 Bollards are strong, thick posts that serve as barriers to preventing vehicles from accessing an area or direct pedestrian or vehicle traffic. These bollards are typically about three feet in height, but they may be shorter or taller. You can install bollards alone or in conjunction with parking blocks. There are also architectural bollards that provide primarily aesthetic appeal and minimal protection against vehicles. However, asphalt companies can also install bollard covers or decorative finishes to make safety bollards more attractive or unique.

If My Parking Lot Has Curbs, Do I Really Need Bollards?

 There have been numerous reports of vehicles that jumped a parking lot curb in recent years and crashed into a building. Sometimes, the crashes were accidental; several instances of drivers inadvertently pressed the accelerator instead of the brake pedal while parking or failed to shift into reverse while exiting a parking space. However, there has been an alarming increase in how criminals deliberately drive vehicles into a building to loot it. Since the vehicle may be too severely damaged to drive after the crime, these thieves often steal a van or truck to use as their crash vehicle, using a different car for escape. Sadly, when crashes occur while the business is open, employees and customers can suffer severe or even fatal injuries. Since curbs alone are often not sufficient to stop a vehicle, you should base your decision on the amount of security you need as well as the potential ramifications of an accidental or intentional crash.

Do Some Parking Lots Need Bollards More Than Others?

 Two factors can increase the need for bollards in your parking lot. The first is the likelihood that your building could be targeted for a vehicle attack. Pharmacies, jewelry stores, and pawn shops are common targets for deliberate attacks by thieves looking to steal high-value items quickly, and domestic or foreign terrorists can target government agencies. The second factor involves the ramifications. For example, if your parking lot borders a playground, imagine what might happen if a vehicle deliberately or accidentally drives into it on a summer day when it is crowded with children and their parents. If one side of your parking lot borders a deep drainage ditch, you might want to install bollards to help prevent serious accidents. 

Does Alpha Install Bollards?

 We are the asphalt paving company Austin TX businesses rely on for a full range of services, including bollard installation. Our other services include asphalt resurfacing and paving, concrete installation and repair, asphalt repairs, parking lot striping, street maintenance, thermoplastic pavement markings, road construction, asphalt milling, speed bump, and traffic sign installation, and asphalt sealcoating. Our clients include retail stores, hotels, office parks, municipalities, shopping centers, restaurants, healthcare facilities, airports, schools and universities, industrial facilities, religious institutions, and recreational facilities. Our employees are experienced, highly trained professionals who take great pride in their workmanship. You can use the online form to submit your request for a free quote, or you can call our Round Rock office at 512-677-9001.

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