Is Your Asphalt Parking Lot Turning Your Customers Away? 

Is Your Asphalt Paving Lot Turning Your Customers Away? austin paving

Is Your Asphalt Paving Lot Turning Your Customers Away? austin paving Your asphalt parking lot is usually the first thing that potential customers notice about your business. Long before customers walk through your door, they form a perception of your business that can be favorable or unfavorable. When navigating your lot, if customers cannot see the stripes defining parking spaces, have to dodge potholes or piles of trash, or cannot identify the correct traffic pattern, they may think that you are indifferent to their needs. They may question whether your indifference extends throughout all of your business activities. Contractors who have been paving Austin Texas parking lots for many years know that a little preventive maintenance and routine upkeep can make potential customers feel more secure about patronizing a business.

Is Your Asphalt Parking Lot Turning Your Customers Away?

How Does Routine Upkeep Make My Parking Lot More Attractive to Customers?

 Grass clippings, trash, dead leaves, and other debris can convey a perception that you are careless about your housekeeping. Customers may question whether you keep your interior spaces clean, organized, and sanitary. If there are puddles of oil sitting on the surface of your pavement, customers may worry about damaging their footwear or tracking the oil into their vehicles and homes. Customers do not want to have to duck under low-hanging tree branches, risk tripping over untrimmed grass or weeds that are encroaching on your pavement, or be forced to detour around piles of dirt. Furthermore, debris, vegetation, and automotive fluids can damage your pavement, so you could save money on pavement repairs by merely keeping your pavement clean.

What Types of Asphalt Maintenance Procedures Should I Consider for My Parking Lot?

 Virtually every paving contractor will recommend that you prioritize two maintenance procedures. The first is asphalt crack repair. Open cracks let water penetrate through the entire pavement, leading to potholes, low spots, and alligator cracking. Your second priority should be your asphalt sealcoating. The asphalt company you hired to build your pavement probably advised you that your pavement would need sealcoating within its first year of life. However, sealants do not last forever, so you will need to repeat the procedure periodically. Most parking lots need fresh sealcoating about every two years, but your schedule could vary. Sealcoating helps protect against environmental damage that can shorten the life of your pavement. In addition to crack repairs and sealcoating, you should consider periodic reapplications of your striping and markings to make your parking lot more attractive to customers. Damaged or faded paint can make your lot more confusing and less safe. It is common to have a contractor reapply painted markings after sealcoating. Many parking lot maintenance companies can repair cracks and potholes, sealcoat your pavement, and reapply your markings and stripes. By having a single company handle all these tasks, you may save a little money and reduce the time that your lot will need to remain closed to traffic. 

Are There Other Maintenance Procedures I Should Consider for My Asphalt Parking Lot?

 It is a good idea to periodically check the signs in your parking lot to ensure that they are undamaged, visible, and properly mounted. Your contractor can help you determine whether you have the proper signs in the proper locations. It would be best if you also asked your contractor to verify that your lot is in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. 

Contact Alpha Paving to Learn More

 Alpha Paving provides a full range of asphalt and concrete services to businesses and local governments throughout Central Texas. We offer asphalt paving and overlays, asphalt crack repair, sealcoating, asphalt milling, thermoplastic pavement markings, asphalt patching, concrete installation and repair, road construction, parking lot signs, street maintenance, parking lot striping and marking, speed bump installation, and parking lot wheel stops. Our customers include shopping malls, municipalities and counties, apartment complexes, subdivisions, and HOAs, restaurants, churches, airports, retailers, property management firms, educational facilities, hotels, and health care facilities. We have an unblemished reputation for providing exceptional work and extraordinary customer service at reasonable prices. For a free quote, fill out our online form or call our office in Round Rock at 512-677-9001.

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