Quick Asphalt Maintenance Tips | Austin, TX

Quick Asphalt Maintenance Tips | Austin, TX, local asphalt paving companiesWhen qualified and conscientious contractors construct a new asphalt pavement, their handiwork tends to be visually appealing. If the property owner or manager institutes a proactive plan for asphalt maintenance, the pavement can also have a long life. Without preventive maintenance, your asphalt pavement could fail before it is halfway through its expected life. If you want to safeguard the health and appearance of your pavement, the following tips can help you ensure that your pavement receives the necessary preventive maintenance.

Quick Asphalt Maintenance Tips | Austin, TX

What Is Preventive Maintenance?

As its name implies, preventive maintenance refers to actions taken to prevent some type of damage from occurring or worsening. It is a concept that is the direct opposite of reacting to severe damage to or the total failure of a machine, pavement, vehicle or other assets.

What Does Preventive Maintenance for Asphalt Pavement Entail?

Local asphalt paving companies typically state that the first step is to be vigilant about the condition of your pavement. You cannot fix problems if you are not aware of them, so conduct thorough inspections of your pavement once or twice each year. Your findings can then serve as a guide to help you schedule the right maintenance procedures at the right time.

Asphalt crack repair is an extremely critical procedure for prolonging the life of your pavement and avoiding costlier repairs in the future. Open cracks allow water to penetrate to the foundation that supports the weight of the pavement as well as the weight of traffic. Foundation erosion can result in extensive damage to the pavement or even its complete failure. As a general rule, you should repair any cracks that are more than approximately a quarter of an inch in width. Whether crack filling or crack sealing is the preferred asphalt repair depends on several factors, including the size of the crack, the time of year, and whether the crack is continuing to expand.
• Pools of standing water can annoy pedestrians and motorists, but they can also endanger the health of your pavement. The longer that water rises on your pavement, the higher the chances of water penetration. Be sure to keep any existing drains or catch basins clear and free-flowing. If you notice depressed areas in which water collects, your contractor may be able to use an asphalt milling machine to correct the flaws. If, despite the absence of depressions, you notice that water is not draining from your pavement as it should, you may need to install additional catch basins or gutters to facilitate the movement of water from your pavement.
• You should deal with potholes as soon as they form. Like cracks, potholes allow water to reach and destabilize the foundation. There are several techniques for repairing potholes, but asphalt patching is a popular, effective and economical option.
• Sealants are a very cost-effective way to slow the deterioration of your pavement and provide it with a longer life. However, for best results, the first application of sealcoating should take place within the first 12 months of the pavement’s installation. You will then need to have your contractor apply new sealcoating every 18 to 36 months. Your contractor will evaluate the volume and type of traffic your pavement receives to recommend an appropriate interval for sealcoating.
• Stripes and pavement markings may not affect the health of your pavement, but they can make your parking lot safer and reduce your potential liabilities. A typical parking lot needs new paint every two years. Plan to have your contractor apply fresh paint whenever he applies sealcoating.

Alpha Paving is a leading full-service asphalt company serving the greater Austin area as well as most locations in Central Texas. We offer asphalt paving and overlays, road construction, parking lot striping and pavement marking, asphalt milling, street maintenance, crack repairs, asphalt patching, sealcoating, parking lot signs, thermoplastic pavement markings, speed bump installation, concrete repairs, and concrete installation. We provide services to subdivisions, shopping centers, municipalities and counties, hotels, hospitals, and other health care facilities, grocery stores, churches, office parks, apartment complexes, and other commercial properties. We have a reputation for delivering exceptional work at reasonable prices. You can request a free quote by filling out the online form or calling 512-677-9001.

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